The freezing cold and below zero chill could not stop the art lovers orbiting and landing in Chelsea for the opening of Planetfall by Michael Benson on January 24th. AF touched down to be transported into the space – the … Continued
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Michael Benson Gallery Opening
A Space Odyssey
By digging through the online image archives of various space probe missions, photographer and filmmaker, Michael Benson, has compiled his third collection of planetary landscape photography. The images–many of them close-ups of the surfaces of moons, asteroids and Mars–offer an … Continued
Michael Benson: “We Were Never Expelled from Eden.”
Michael Benson is a multimedia artist and journalist with a passion for space. His most recent book, Planetfall is his love letter to our Solar System. On July 20th 1969, the world forgot about its many wars and conflicts and differences—at least … Continued
Celestial imagery
PRE-SPACEFLIGHT, man used to be humbled by the sea, but even the ocean pales in comparison with the cosmic wonder and humility inspired by the best photos taken in space. And there are few collections of space photography as beautiful … Continued
A Supersized View of the Universe
The universe we live in is mind-bendingly enormous, and it can be hard to convey a sense of that vastness on the printed page. But Michael Benson makes a spirited attempt in Planetfall: New Solar System Visions(Abrams, $55), an oversized book with … Continued